University of South Florida

USF Department of Chemistry Photos


McMurdo Station from the Helo

Dive Camp

Our diving hut

Preparing to dive an iceberg

Another day of diving

Bill Baker and buddy

Hanging on the down line

Blue crack from below

Helping a buddy out

Adelie Austrodoris at Gamage Club foot anemone
Diver under brash Ice Freddie Fish Relaxing in the hole

Carnivorous Rope Sponge 

Antarctic Jelly

Collecting a Glass Sponge

Cinachyra at McMurdo

Club foot anemone at Palmer



Granite dive with chimney sponges

Collecting Algae




 The R/V Gould departing Palmer 10/01 

Entering Deception Island 10/01

 Newmeyer Mountain 10/01



A snowy bow from the Bridge

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